NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2 Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2 Applying Research Skills Name Capella university NHS FPX 4000 Developing a Health Care Perspective
">Applying Research Skills Healthcare cybersecurity is a critical issue with technological advancements characterized by the vulnerability of medical data to cyberattacks and breaches. The risk of unauthorized access and data theft has escalated with the increasing digitization of healthcare systems and the electronic shortage of sensitive patient information. The data breaches result in financial implications, causing a financial burden on patients and healthcare systems. A single data breach incurs about $8.19 million on healthcare systems (Seh et al., 2020). Moreover, data breaches from 2005-2019 have impacted about 249.09 million hospital patients (Seh et al., 2020). These statistical data show the professional relevance of healthcare data breaches and cybersecurity and the need to safeguard patient privacy and ensure medical data’s integrity while using HIT. During my clinical practice, I encountered a data breach experience with one of my patients when there were inadequate cybersecurity measures within the organization’s EHR. This resulted in external data breaches and substantial financial implications. Moreover, this incident also eroded patients’ trust in healthcare and HIT integration within the hospital. Application of Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles The four chosen articles from peer-reviewed journals are researched thoroughly based on their relevance to the healthcare issue of technological advancements and associated challenges. The databases used for research included Google Scholar, BMC Medicine, CINAHL, and PubMed. All these articles address the problems of cyberattacks, data breaches, and obstacles that hinder the integration of HIT within the healthcare system. The selected peer-reviewed journal articles thoroughly explore the interventions, including cybersecurity measures, training programs to prevent data breaches, and a proactive approach to cybersecurity. All these articles are relevant to issues associated with HIT integration as they address the concerns of data breaches and cybercrimes with proactive recommendations. Therefore, all these articles are valuable for addressing the growing issue of evolving digital health technologies (Argaw et al., 2020; Bhuyan et al., 2020; He et al., 2020; Semantha et al., 2020). Assessing the Credibility of Information The CRAAP criteria are considered while selecting the four chosen journal articles. The CRAAP criteria show evidence-based resources’ Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose (Muis et al., 2022). The keywords used to research technological advancements included “Cybersecurity,” “Telemedicine,” “Data breaches,” “Electronic Health Records,” and “Challenges of HIT in healthcare.” Moreover, the articles are extracted from peer-reviewed journals, enhancing the credibility of each evidence-based resource. All four selected peer-reviewed articles were published in 2020, showing their currency and credibility (Argaw et al., 2020; Bhuyan et al., 2020; He et al., 2020; Semantha et al., 2020). Furthermore, the information explored through these articles is relevant to the healthcare issue that needs to be solved in this paper. All articles cover data breaches, cybersecurity measures, necessary interventions, and recommendations to prevent the risk of data theft with HIT use in hospitals. Based on these reasons, the articles are carefully chosen to fulfill the requirement of addressing the current healthcare issue highlighted in this assessment. Annotated Bibliography Argaw, S. T., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., Lacey, D., Florin, M.-V., Calcavecchia, F., Anderson, D., Burleson, W., Vogel, J.-M., O’Leary, C., Eshaya-Chauvin, B., & Flahault, A. (2020). Cybersecurity of hospitals: Discussing the challenges and working towards mitigating the risks. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-020-01161-7 The article by Argaw et al. (2020) aims to discuss the cybersecurity measures and cybercrimes that various health information systems are vulnerable to. This resource seeks to shed light on cybersecurity measures and interventions to safeguard patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) and ensure the smooth workflow of healthcare organizations. The article first discusses the challenges associated with cyberattacks, such as threats to patients’ identity, financial implications, impeded hospital workflows, and increased risk to patients’ well-being. Several case examples of data breaches have been discussed in the article, including financial ransomware attacks and permanently corrupting the backup files of emergency IT data. As a result, hackers demanded $55,000 as ransom, which the hospital had to pay. The interventions suggested by this article include a risk-based approach where vulnerabilities are identified and managed and
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